Sunday, October 31, 2010

Phone Keyboard

The phone have I have is the Samsung Solstice. I don't know if anyone is familiar with the phone but it is an all touch screen phone. There is no slide out keyboard for texting or anything like that. Yet, when texting there is two different ways you can text. If you hold the phone upright there's the option to use the number system (ex. 1=a, b, or c) which can be use in the regular format or T9.  The other way you can text is if you hold the phone sideways it displays a full QWERTY keyboard. Since the phone is fairly small in size, which has its advantages, the spacing with the buttons on the keyboard are very small.

The problem with the buttons being to small is that it makes it very difficult to hit the desired button. This gets very annoying. I almost never use this option when texting even though sometimes it may be easier to type things with a keyboard. I know this isn't just a problem for me because I've had others test it out and they've had the same difficulties.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah you should never have to use T9 word when you have a keyboard
