Sunday, October 31, 2010

Phone Keyboard

The phone have I have is the Samsung Solstice. I don't know if anyone is familiar with the phone but it is an all touch screen phone. There is no slide out keyboard for texting or anything like that. Yet, when texting there is two different ways you can text. If you hold the phone upright there's the option to use the number system (ex. 1=a, b, or c) which can be use in the regular format or T9.  The other way you can text is if you hold the phone sideways it displays a full QWERTY keyboard. Since the phone is fairly small in size, which has its advantages, the spacing with the buttons on the keyboard are very small.

The problem with the buttons being to small is that it makes it very difficult to hit the desired button. This gets very annoying. I almost never use this option when texting even though sometimes it may be easier to type things with a keyboard. I know this isn't just a problem for me because I've had others test it out and they've had the same difficulties.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Right Click?

Though not as common as using the left click on the mouse, the right click is still a useful part of using a mouse to perform certain tasks. This is confusing for the Mac's in our classroom. I don't use mac's too often so I'm not too familiar with how to do certain things that are different from my computer. When using the mac's in class, i noticed the mouse didn't have a right click option. It was just a one click mouse with no other option.
This confused me because I was always used to clicking left if that's what i needed to do. I tried to figure out how to get around using this option but this was annoying. After asking how to perform this simple task, I was told that you needed to hold the ctrl button and then click. Though this was a small change, it still was annoying and unnecessary .

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weight Room

A design that really gets to me is the weight room in the brezzano fitness center. What I'm mainly talking about is the way the bench/squat area's are set up on the first floor. My complaint is that the barbells need to be moved sometimes in order to change the workout (maybe from regular bench press to incline bench press). In order to do so you have to take the barbell off the to change the height of the arms that hold it up. Now the barbells arfe fairly large and with everything sort of close together, this could be a diffcult task, especially when moving something thats forty five pounds.

I think that if the weight room was a little more spread out so that this normally easy change can be made, it would help the person whose working out get their work done a lot faster. You wouldn't have to slowly move the bar around and struggle to find a place to put it while you changed postitons.